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Distinctive Knowledge of Humans


Distinctive Knowledge of Humans



The point to be noted here is that knowledge in itself is not a human distinction. It means to say that all types of knowledge will not be counted as distinguishing feature on humans part, because almost every creature has a kind of knowledge or the other. So to be outstanding, human must possess a knowledge not found elsewhere.



All of the prevalent sciences in the world are not specialty of humans, animals too share them. Therefore human cannot prove his superiority on that account. If a man claims, I am best as I know engineering science and design brilliant buildings’, his claim is not valid because animals too   know   it   as   they   make   comfortable   houses   for them. Weaver-bird (a small bird) makes for himself a strange kind of nest having many rooms therein for all members of the family and even a cradle for nestlings to swing. The nest hangs down with tree but no stormy wind can shake it off. Is this not a masterpiece of engineering? Then, why can a bird not claim to be an engineer? Definitely, it can. Thus, human is no way superior to birds in this regard.



A bee makes a hive. Its octagonal holes are so equal that a man cannot maintain that level of precision even with a scale. It has separate sections to live and to store honey. Rain causes no damage to hive and no storm can displace it.


Is it not a manifestation of engineering artifice? If yes, how a human can say engineering is exclusive to him.



A snake makes its burrow which looks like a dome with turrets upside and inside there are clean grooves coiled into  each  other  in  which  snakes  and  its  children  keep crawling. Is it not worthy to be called an engineering craftsmanship?



If you say, for arguments sake, that your buildings are far beyond in beauty and brilliance as compared to these nests and burrows, so how these animals can be equal to humans. The answer is that the beauty of a home lies in designing it according to the residents needs and comfort. Humans take their comfort into account when they build a house and so do the animals.



If an animal looked at your bungalow with envy, you could claim your superiority. But unlike to that, the animals disfavour your bungalows the same way as you dislike their burrow, as they would never be ready to live in your house. It makes clear that both humans and animals know the engineering science in their own way. Thus claim of human superiority on the basis of engineering skill loses ground.



In the same way, medical science is an experimental science.   As   humans   know   it,   animals   too   are   aware somewhat of it as per  their capacity. Again the claim of being best on the ground of medical science fails to prove superiority, because animals too may claim that they know a bit of it. The only difference is that humans know much of it as they face more health problems in comparison to animals, and animals know a little of it as they have less health issues. But only because of this difference, medical science cannot be human’s distinctive feature.


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